Miramar MVB Mission Statement

The Miramar MVB program has two fundamental goals:

1) Prepare our players to play in a four-year university's MVB program. By running our program in this manner, we set our student-athletes up for success by preparing them to perform at the highest level as a person, student, and athlete. In this way, our players are fully prepared to seek opportunities at the next level, continuing the proud tradition Miramar MVB has of moving our players on to 4-year programs (13 in the last 5 years). Of course, preparing our players to play in a four-year university MVB program, also benefits Miramar MVB during their time in the program, where they put their lessons to good use while wearing a Jets MVB uniform.

2) Win, every day: doing well in our studies, having great practices & workouts, being great human beings, & of course winning volleyball matches. Wanting to win is a euphemism for wanting to succeed. We want to relentlessly pursue success, as people, scholars, and volleyball players.

The Miramar MVB program draws inspiration from the famed US Navy Fighter Weapons School, better known as TOPGUN, originally based at the former Naval Air Station Miramar five miles away from Miramar College, and made famous by the 1986 movie. We operate on nine traits (coaches and players alike) which define the pilots who go through TOPGUN:

+ A passion for the mission, necessary to sustain the individual in an extreme environment.

+ Leadership by personal example - a compassionate, inspirational person willing to take responsibility.

+ Extraordinary airmanship (skill) required to operate in so unforgiving an environment.

+ Humility derived from a sense of being part of something much greater than oneself.

+ Subject matter expertise that is beyond reproach.

+ A work ethic that will drive that person to do whatever it takes for however long it takes to ensure success.

+ Personal discipline to endure the rigorous training and attention to detail required to consistently perform at an optimal level.

+ Integrity, adaptability, innovation, and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

+ Credibility established through demonstrated performance sustained over time.

Miramar MVB, like TOPGUN, is a school, a school which teaches about its subject - in our case, intercollegiate men's volleyball - at its highest level. It is a school about combat (defined by Merriam-Webster as "a fight or contest between individuals or groups"), the ultimate level of competition. It is a school which teaches high-level knowledge (aerodynamics, stochastic processes, simulations of multivariate systems and multi-level physics are taught at TOPGUN; intercollegiate men's volleyball is just slightly less complicated). It is a school that espouses the virtues of brotherhood, teamwork, and dedication. We strive to help our players become better players, better students, and better human beings. In doing so we seek to equip our student-athletes to WIN, on the court and in the game of life.